Membership | Donation | Volunteer
The Library's source of funds is predominantly from memberships and donations.
Join the Library and support its continued operations and services!
· Regular Member $30
· Sustaining $50
· Contributing $100
· Supporting $250
· Sponsoring $500
· Lifetime $1,000

· $50 Organization/Institution/Corporation
· $10 Student

Dues, contributions, and bequests are tax deductible, Federal and State, to the extent provided by law.
The Japanese American Library is not funded by the city, state or any federal agency or organization. For this reason, the Library depends on volunteers.

It is always on the lookout for volunteers. Despite a lack of funding and being sorely undermanned, the Library staff is dedicated and committed. Karen Seriguchi, a past program coordinator, said she enjoyed her job and believes that the Library serves a significant community function. In light of the dispersed Bay Area Japanese American population, the Library is important for posterity's sake. “Working for the JA Library,” she said, “gives me a feeling of connectedness with the community.”
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